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Dating has marketing too, the signs are there when you look for them.

What do I mean? Well at one end of the spectrum you have fizzy drinks companies – their marketing is great. It is all designed to say drink this and you will feel great, and people will love and accept you and drink it with you. What their marketing doesn’t say – rotten teeth, sugar addict, get fat, rotten guts etc etc.

On the other end of the spectrum – pharmaceutical companies they also sell the idea of feeling good BUT they also have warnings (legally required or they wouldn’t). The side effects – could cause mental issues, memory loss, fatigue, addiction etc etc.

The only thing that can be truly believed is the side effects because it goes against their outcome, they wouldn’t tell you if they didn’t need too.

So when a potential date or dating profile tells you something that goes against their outcome that is the one thing that you can truly believe to start with. It matters not whether the outcome is marriage or just sex anything that goes against it can be believed without question.

Why do that – they’re tired of being labeled or judged as a bad or dishonest person. so they’re upfront about the stuff that goes against them and if you still go for it & it doesn’t work out they can say well I told you that in the beginning. Although you may have been warned, it doesn’t make the pain of a break up any less painful, in some ways it’s worse as you then blame yourself for not listening to them.

So how do you spot the difference between marketing hype and something genuine?

How do you best put yourself out there to attract your ideal kind of partner v/s the same thing you had before with a different face?

You’re not dating “them” in the first few months of a new relationship!

What? I am, I have been dating them exclusively for a month.

Yes you’re not dating “them” YET!!

Ok so what the heck does this mean??

All too often when people start dating or looking for a new relationship, it’s not the real them who goes on the dates or writes the dating profiles.

So who are they if not themselves and who writes the profiles?

The “marketing department” writes the profiles and attends the first few “getting to know you” dates. If or when said marketing department does a good job one or the other sends the sales department to go on a date to confirm the deal or relationship.

When this has happened both sides really start getting to know each other.

So what’s the problem here?

Well imagine if you will, a well known fizzy soft drinks company, their marketing says “drink this you will be cool and everyone will want to hang around with you, or drink this and people will find you hot, sexy and want to fall in love with you. BUT after you get to know the product you learn it rots your teeth, creates a sugar addiction, expands the waistline and rots the guts!

Not quite as expected!

Some dating relationships work out the same way, the marketing is great but the product isn’t so good for you.

What if there was a healthy soft drink full of nutrition that was really good for your body as well as looking hot & sexy and being cool BUT their marketing was ineffective as they spent all their funds perfecting the product?

They wouldn’t get any sales as no one would know about it!!

Unfortunately many great men and great women fall into the dating equivalent of this, no one knows how great they are as they don’t know how to put it across on a dating profile or let potential dates know they’re interested or available!