Trees that have to regularly withstand adverse weather conditions become stronger, over time one of the strongest being an english oak, the oak tree grows from an acorn over many many years, yet a Pansy grows from a seed to full size & strength in months.
I don’t know about you, but if relationships grew the same way I would like mine to be like a solid oak not a pansy that’s pretty but comes and goes very quickly! Solid and strong relationships take time to grow and nurture from the initial introduction to each other to being raving fans of each other. There will be disconnects and seeing things differently it’s guaranteed, as are strong winds at various times within the life of the tree. How these disconnects and disagreements are handled really is the difference maker between strengthening and weakening that relationship.
Both sides need to actively listen and learn to really get their partner’s perspective, hearts want to connect and ego’s want to be right! When both sides get each other then a mutually beneficial solution can be created. As much as this is about intimate relationships it’s also true between parent & child, friends and business connections. As Dr Stephen Covey said in 7 Habits of highly effective people “Seek first to understand then to be understood” Consider for a moment are you more likely to want to listen to someone who really listens to you and “gets” you or someone who just keeps saying how they’re right & you must be wrong if you see things differently?